Learn the 10 Commandments to Trying Psychedelics!

"Thou shall not trip without this guide"
-Moses most likely

"This year 600,000 people in the U.S. alone will try LSD for the the first time, joining the 23 million who have already experimented with this substance."
-The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide

“The biggest misconception people have about psychedelics is that these are the drugs that make you crazy, we now have evidence that does happen sometimes — but in many more cases, these are drugs that can make you sane.” -Michael Pollan (How to Change Your Mind)

After spending nearly a decade using alternative therapies to cope with my life pressures and upbringing; I’ve seen the need others have for answers as well. Today there’s a growing interest in psychedelics as a gateway to healing, centering, and repatterning. Here’s my humble offering to ensure your journey will be as fruitful as mine.


Learn 10 Commandments for trying Psychedelics!

Best practices for navigating altered states of consciousness.

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